Selfies and Self Perception- What’s the Link?

How to look  great on selfies Social media has changed the way we see ourselves. In the olden days we’d only see ourselves when we looked in the mirror, but now we’re faced with our faces at every turn. After a fun night out with friends… share a selfie on Facebook. Enjoying some amazing hot cocoa… post a selfie on Instagram. Ready for a big day at work… tweet a selfie on Twitter. The “selfie” makes it hard to escape how you look and with friends, family, and associates placing their seal of approval on each photo by commenting and liking, it can be hard to leave your image behind.

What Impact Do Selfies Have on Self Perception?

A recent study by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) indicates that the selfie is making an impact on the way young adults see themselves. Let’s take a quick look at some of the findings:

  • 1 in 3 plastic surgeons have seen an increase in requests for procedures due to social media induced self-awareness.
  • Cosmetic enhancement is becoming more popular for younger patients. In 2013 more than half of AAFPRS members saw an increase in patients under 30.
  • The internet is helping patients to become more educated. Most now ask for procedures based on a problem area rather than asking to look like a particular celebrity.
  • Non-invasive options are the most popular with nearly three quarters of the treatments performed in 2013 being minimally invasive. Botox is the most popular minimally invasive option by far.

Selfies are changing the way that we see ourselves and the increased awareness of how looks matter is leading to more plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments. The real question is, is this a bad thing?

Is There Anything Wrong with Wanting to Look Great?

While selfies might be pushing more patients to cosmetic enhancement, it is important to note that this might not be a bad thing. Yes, you can take things too far, but a healthy sense of wanting to look your best and a desire to enhance the natural features you have isn’t a bad thing. For example, Dr. Matarasso helps many of his patients with acne, a major concern for both teens and adults. Eliminating acne can lead to an increased self-image and can save patients from a lifetime of acne scars.

Other patients may come in to see Dr. Matarasso about thinning hair. Although they may notice the problem first in a selfie or two, it is still a real concern faced by many men and even some women. Selfies might help us notice our flaws, but in an age of modern medicine, many options are available to help you look your best, whatever aesthetic concerns you may have.

Come talk with Dr. Matarasso about your concerns whether they be hair loss, acne, eczema, or something else. Just make sure you’re doing it for yourself and not just for those selfies. You deserve to look your best both on camera and off.